Value judgements are not in the nature of this work as regards either composition, performance, or listening…. A “mistake” is beside the point, for once anything happens it authentically is.
John Cage, “Composition” (1952), Silence, p.59.
John Cage, cover page for manuscript of 27’10.554″ for a Percussionist (1956).
Thanks, I was only dimly aware of its forthcoming existence. I'm a bit leery of books by rock musicians at the best of times. Do you know if this will be written in complete, coherent sentences?
Mr Ben, doubtless you already know about this. If not, you do now.
Thanks, I was only dimly aware of its forthcoming existence. I'm a bit leery of books by rock musicians at the best of times. Do you know if this will be written in complete, coherent sentences?